September 25, 2016

Joined: Jul 14, 2014

Posts: 127

Kudos: 49

Self-reported Score:
720 Q50 V37
600 Q48 V27

Did not work for me


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

My story is an anomaly. I tried e-gmat Verbal Online after seeing all the great reviews on gmatclub. I saw my verbal score go up on the practice tests. Throughout the course work, I felt that I was learning and improving. The videos on SC were helpful. My practice tests were reflecting that. However, on the actual exam, I did not improve. I'm still in the process of figuring out WHY. (Not giving up. )

I did write to e-gmat team and I was told that I should have taken the Ability tests as reliable indicators. I only took one before the exam because I was not aware that these tests could be important/reliable indicators. I kept taking the scholaranium accuracy tests and assumed that since my accuracy was improving, the score improvement on the practice tests is accurate.

As for the course material, I wish there was more emphasis/practice sessions on RC. I really wanted this course to work for me but was disappointed.

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March 15, 2017

Joined: Jul 14, 2014

Posts: 127

Kudos: 49

Self-reported Score:
720 Q50 V37
600 Q48 V27

Great Practice


I tried the MGMAT CATS twice(as in take all their 6 tests at different stages in my GMAT journey). They are the next best thing after the OG and GMAC tests.
The first time my goal was to get a 650 and I was always struggling with verbal. MGMAT helped me increase my quant from low 40s to mid 40s but I did not see any improvement in the verbal section. My CAT scores were in the 550 - 620 range. I was not heavily impressed. Almost after a year, I made some major changes to my GMAT strategy, studied obsessively and came back to MGMAT. To my surprise, the MGMAT CATs were very accurate. They are on par with the GMAC/GMAT Prep CATS.
I was told that MGMAT is slightly more difficult than the GMAT Prep tests. I didn't think so. The Quant questions will prepare you for a high 40s/low50 score. The verbal - I have to disagree with some of their SC questions - they don't adhere to GMAT grammar concepts 100% of the time.
I think if anyone takes this material seriously, the time spent is worthwhile.

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