July 19, 2016

Joined: Aug 29, 2012

Posts: 1059

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Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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As they mention in their strategy session, the E-GMAT as a Test Prep Company started out with one of their premium product- SC Online. Then went on to add CR & RC. Verbal Online as a whole can be covered by a student in about max 30 Hours. This is one of finest course available for the student to ace the GMAT in less than 15 days if due diligence is given to the course and if the E-GMAT 3-step process is followed properly.

Since it is little tough for a non-native speaker to train their ears to understand few sentence structure used by the native speakers, the E-GMAT clearly helps to train the student on the nuances of the SC so that the non-native also succeed in the GMAT.

The Course content is outlined topic wise followed by the quiz, a student will be able to move on another section only when he/she completes the quiz. This certainly helps a student to master one topic at a time.

E-GMAT is certainly a plus for non-native speaker who wish to understand how/what the GMAT tested on.

Overall, for $199, it is worth buying this course for its content and questions in its arsenal that will certainly add value to the Student, who wants to ace the GMAT.

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July 08, 2017

Joined: Aug 29, 2012

Posts: 1059

Kudos: 6052

Best Source for Quant Prep out there


I have been using GMAT Club test from the day I got 25 Kudos. It has been best the source of preparation for the Quant. The solution is provided by our in-house expert Bunuel. It is recommended that you take at least 5-8 Quant CAT's before your appear for the official test. If you are score is above 49 in GMAT Club test. You are more likely to get above Q49 in the official test. This is as per the reviews and comments from other test takers, who tried GMATClub test.

I would highly recommend folks to utilize the vast amount of tough questions available in the DB. And review the questions that they got incorrect and attempt it again. Refer to Bunuel elegant solution. This is by far best resource for Quant practice in the market. Though the verbal may also be up to the mark, everyone should only stick to the official guides for verbal questions.

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June 28, 2018

Joined: Aug 29, 2012

Posts: 1059

Kudos: 6052

Great scholarship result and Georgetown acceptance


I'm an Indian applicant with seven years of work experience and a GRE score of Q164 / V157 (GMAT equivalent of 660). I applied to following schools.

1. Questrom- Accepted with 70K
2. Georgetown McDonough- Accepted
3. Kellogg- Dinged after Interview

I was looking for comprehensive service that would help me prepare my MBA application. I researched about many consultants that would be cheaper as well as effective. Finally based on my friend's suggestion and talking to fellow mods, I decided to reach out to Greg.

I was applying in R2 but started my application very late (after Christmas)

Greg and I discussed my profile, goals and target schools. We initially started with my resume. I was in an assumption that my resume was good enough. But the first edit by Greg was brutal. He pointed out all the flaws in my resume. It took the total of 7 edits and more than three and half hours to finalize my resume.

Questrom- I did apply last year with poor test score and the same resume I had before Greg edit. So I decided to reapply. Greg helped me to prepare a story, edit my essays and provided suggestions that would fine tune my essay. I received an Interview Invite. No matter what, the first interview always makes us happy and nervous after getting rejected previous year. Greg helped with the interview prep as well. The question by question rigor for the mock interview helped me prep for the actual interview. And finally, I was accepted into the program with the 70K scholarship.

Georgetown- I initially did not have plans to apply to Georgetown at all since I was targetting other schools. But I received an email that extended the deadline by a week. I immediately emailed Greg about it. He was happy to help with short notice. We created a story from my professional & personal life to write the essay. He was able to edit the essay in short notice, and I was able to submit my application in four days. He also helped me the same way he did for Questrom Interview. Result- Admitted to Class of 2020. And I will be matriculating in Georgetown this fall.

Kellogg- I wasn't sure to apply, and Greg as well since my scores and profile are well below average for Kellogg. But I decided to go for it anyway. So we decided to put in the application. Kellogg often waives interviews for Indian applicants, so I wasn't expecting an interview invite. But I was excited that when I saw the email with an interview invitation. Greg helped me prepare for the interview. I guess we had our Mock interview for over an hour discussing the plan to answer the questions.

His mock interview session for all the schools was almost perfectly accurate, and I was able to prepare for the curveball questions and create a template to answer any questions.

Greg was super helpful and he would respond to my emails within a day even though he was busy with his other clients. And always made himself available for phone calls and questions.

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