Free Mock Interviews by Nikhil
Nikhil offers free online mock interviews via Zoom/Google Meet to help applicants solidify their interview prep and get ready for the actual interview. Nikhil has interviewed more than 100 applicants for TeachForIndia and helped more than 50 applicants perfect their presentation for the Business school interviews. Nikhil is offering free mock interviews to help more applicants turn their business school dreams into reality.

About Nikhil:
Nikhil has a Master's degree from the Oregon state university and worked in the silicon valley as a software engineer for more than 4 years. Later, he worked as a Fellow in TeachForIndia where he gained his interviewing skills. Overall, Nikhil has around 4 years of experience interviewing applicants for different roles and is excited to help you in your Business school aspirations.

Packages: A one hour Facetime with Nikhil in which the first 30 minutes will be for the mock interview and the next 30 minutes will be used for discussing feedback and how the applicant can improve their presentation. Please ping Nikhil in the following link to schedule a free mock interview. PM Nikhil
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Free Mock Interviews by Nikhil
Nikhil offers free online mock interviews via Zoom/Google Meet to help applicants solidify their interview prep and get ready for the actual interview.


Joined: May 22, 2017
Total posts: 12,442
Own Kudos: 8,394
Last visit: Oct 2, 2023
Nikhil has a Master's degree from the Oregon state university and worked in the silicon valley as a software engineer for more than 4 years. Later, he worked as a Fellow in TeachForIndia where he gained his interviewing skills. Overall, Nikhil has around 4 years of experience interviewing applicants for different roles and is excited to help you in your Business school aspirations.

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