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Search GMAT and MBA Discussions - GMAT Questions MBA Admissions
Collection of Questions General Math Questions Reviews Useful Links
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Data Sufficiency (DS)
Difficulty: 800+ Level Graphs and Illustrations Source: CrackVerbal Source: Manhattan GMAT Source: OG 2015
Difficulty: 750-800 Level Inequalities Source: e-GMAT Source: Math Revolution Source: OG 12
Difficulty: 700-750 Level Min/Max Problems Source: Economist Source: NMAT Source: OG 11
Difficulty: 650-700 Level Mixture Problems Source: EMPOWERgmat Source: Official Guide Source: OG 10
Difficulty: 600-650 Level Number Properties Source: Experts' Global Source: Official Guide (Pre-2000) Source: OG 1988
Difficulty: 500-600 Level Overlapping Sets Source: GMAT Club Tests Source: Power Prep Source: OG 1990
Difficulty: Sub 500 Level Out of Scope - Too Hard Source: GMAT Hacks Source: Princeton Review Source: OG 1992
Absolute Values/Modulus Percent and Interest Problems Source: GMAT Ninja Source: Target Test Prep Source: Quant Review 2022
Algebra Poor Quality Source: GMAT Paper Tests Source: Ukraine Marathon Source: Quant Review 2021
Arithmetic Probability Source: GMAT Pill Source: Veritas Prep Source: Quant Review 2020
Combinations Remainders Source: GMAT Prep Source: EA Source: Quant Review 2019
Coordinate Geometry Roots Source: GMAT Prep (Focus) Source: OG 2022 Source: Quant Review 2018
Distance/Rate Problems Sequences Source: GMAT Prep Now Source: OG 2021 Source: Quant Review 2017
Divisibility/Multiples/Factors Statistics and Sets Problems Source: GMATWhiz Source: OG 2020 Source: Quant Review 1st
Exponents/Powers Word Problems Source: Grockit Source: OG 2019 Source: Quant Review 2nd
Fractions/Ratios/Decimals Work/Rate Problems Source: Jamboree Source: OG 2018 Source: Quant Review 2016
Functions and Custom Characters Source: 800 Score Source: Kaplan Source: OG 2017 Source: 1000 Series
Geometry Source: Competition Questions Source: Magoosh Source: OG 2016 Source: Other
Problem Solving (PS)
Difficulty: 800+ Level Graphs and Illustrations Source: Competition Questions Source: Magoosh Source: OG 2016
Difficulty: 750-800 Level Inequalities Source: CrackVerbal Source: Manhattan GMAT Source: OG 2015
Difficulty: 700-750 Level Min/Max Problems Source: e-GMAT Source: Math Revolution Source: OG 12
Difficulty: 650-700 Level Mixture Problems Source: Economist Source: NMAT Source: OG 11
Difficulty: 600-650 Level Must or Could be True Questions Source: EMPOWERgmat Source: Official Guide Source: OG 10
Difficulty: 500-600 Level Number Properties Source: Experts' Global Source: Official Guide (Pre-2000) Source: OG 1988
Difficulty: Sub 500 Level Out of Scope - Too Hard Source: GMAT Club Tests Source: Power Prep Source: Quant Review 2022
Absolute Values/Modulus Overlapping Sets Source: GMAT Hacks Source: Princeton Review Source: Quant Review 2021
Algebra Percent and Interest Problems Source: GMAT Ninja Source: Target Test Prep Source: Quant Review 2020
Arithmetic Poor Quality Source: GMAT Paper Tests Source: Ukraine Marathon Source: Quant Review 2019
Combinations Probability Source: GMAT Pill Source: Veritas Prep Source: Quant Review 2018
Coordinate Geometry Remainders Source: GMAT Prep Source: EA Source: Quant Review 2017
Distance/Rate Problems Roots Source: GMAT Prep (Focus) Source: OG 2022 Source: Quant Review 2016
Divisibility/Multiples/Factors Sequences Source: GMAT Prep Now Source: OG 2021 Source: Quant Review 2nd
Exponents/Powers Statistics and Sets Problems Source: GMATWhiz Source: OG 2020 Source: Quant Review 1st
Fractions/Ratios/Decimals Word Problems Source: Grockit Source: OG 2019 Source: 1000 Series
Functions and Custom Characters Work/Rate Problems Source: Jamboree Source: OG 2018 Source: Other
Geometry Source: 800 Score Source: Kaplan Source: OG 2017
Free Questions
Difficulty: 800+ Level Question Assumption Pronouns Distance/Rate Problems Exponents/Roots
Difficulty: 750-800 Level Question Strengthen Rhetorical Construction Fractions/Ratios/Decimals Conclusion/ Inference
Difficulty: 700-750 Level Question Algebra Sentence Correction Other Geometry/Coordinate Geometry Critical Reasoning Other
Difficulty: 650-700 Level Question Evaluate An Argument Sub-Verb Agreement Must or Could be True Questions Flaw
Difficulty: 600-650 Level Question Weaken Verb Tense/Form Argument Structure Source: GMAT Club Tests
Difficulty: 500-600 Level Question Explain Divisibility/Multiples/Factors Mixture Problems Source: Knewton
Difficulty: Sub 500 Level Question Long Passage Absolute Values Number Properties Source: MGMAT
Reading Comprehension Short Passage Min/Max Problems Percents and Interest Problems Source: EMPOWERgmat
Problem Solving Comparisons Inequalities Arithmetic
GMAT Data Sufficiency Idioms Properties of Sets Overlapping Sets
Critical Reasoning Modifiers/ Logical Predication Remainders Word problems
Sentence Correction Parallelism Combinatorics and Probability Work/Rate problems
Resources Book Reviews Reading Comprehension AWA
Strategies Critical Reasoning Sentence Correction General Verbal Query
Verbal Guides and Resources
Critical Reasoning (CR) Sentence Correction (SC) Question Collections
Reading Comprehension (RC) AWA Resources & Downloads
Critical Reasoning (CR)
Difficulty: 800+ Level Logical Flaw Source: EMPOWERgmat Source: Veritas Prep Source: OG 1988
Difficulty: 750-800 Level Must be True Source: Experts' Global Source: Official Guide Source: Target Test Prep
Difficulty: 700-750 Level Method of Reasoning Source: GMAT Paper Tests Source: Official Guide (Pre-2000) Source: Verbal OG
Difficulty: 650-700 Level Numbers & Percent Source: GMAT Advanced Source: OG 2022 Source: Verbal Review 2022
Difficulty: 600-650 Level Out of Scope - Too Hard Source: GMAT Club Tests Source: OG 2021 Source: Verbal Review 2021
Difficulty: 500-600 Level Poor Quality Source: GMAT Hacks Source: OG 2020 Source: Verbal Review 2020
Difficulty: Sub 500 Level Resolve Paradox Source: GMAT Ninja Source: OG 2019 Source: Verbal Review 2019
Additional Evidence Similar Reasoning Source: GMAT Prep Source: OG 2018 Source: Verbal Review 2018
Assumption Strengthen Source: GMAT Prep (Focus) Source: OG 2017 Source: Verbal Review 2017
Bold Face CR Weaken Source: GMATWhiz Source: OG 2016 Source: Verbal Review 2016
Cause and Effect Source: 1000 Series Source: Kaplan Source: OG 2015/OG13 Source: Verbal Review 2ND
Complete the Passage Source: Aristotle Source: Knewton Source: OG 12 Source: Verbal Review 1ST
Conclusion Source: Competition Questions Source: LSAT (Official) Source: OG 11 Source: Other
Debatable OA Source: CrackVerbal Source: Magoosh Source: OG 10
Evaluate Argument Source: EA Source: Manhattan GMAT Source: OG 9
EXCEPT Source: Economist Source: Ukraine Marathon Source: OG 1992
Inference Source: e-GMAT Source: Princeton Review Source: OG 1990
Reading Comprehension (RC)
Difficulty: 700-Level Source: Aristotle Source: Kaplan Source: OG 2018 Source: Verbal Review 2021
Difficulty: 600-700 Level Source: Barron's GMAT Source: Magoosh Source: OG 2017 Source: Verbal Review 2020
Difficulty: Sub-600 Level Source: CrackVerbal Source: Manhattan GMAT Source: OG 2016 Source: Verbal Review 2019
Business Source: EA Source: Manhattan Review Source: OG 2015/OG13 Source: Verbal Review 2018
Humanities Source: Economist Source: McGraw-Hill's Source: OG 12 Source: Verbal Review 2017
Science Source: e-GMAT Source: NMAT Source: OG 11 Source: Verbal Review 2016
Social Science Source: Experts' Global Source: Nova GMAT Source: OG 10 Source: Verbal Review 2015/2ND
Long Passage Source: GMAT Paper Tests Source: Official Guide Source: OG 1992 Source: Verbal Review 1ST
Short Passage Source: GMAT Advanced Source: Official Guide (Pre-2000) Source: OG 1990 Source: Veritas Prep
Debatable OA Source: GMAT Club Tests Source: Official Guide (Verbal Review) Source: OG 1988 Source: Ukraine Marathon
Tone Source: GMAT for Dummies Source: Official LSAT Source: Peterson's Source: Other
RC Resources Source: GMAT Free Source: OG 2022 Source: PowerScore
RC Strategies Source: GMAT Hacks Source: OG 2021 Source: Princeton Review
Source: 1000 Series Source: GMAT Prep Source: OG 2020 Source: Target Test Prep
Source: 800 Score Source: GMAT Prep (Focus) Source: OG 2019 Source: Verbal Review 2022
Sentence Correction (SC)
Difficulty: 800+ Level Parallelism Source: EMPOWERgmat Source: GMAT Prep Source: OG 1992
Difficulty: 750-800 Level Pronouns Source: Experts' Global Source: GMAT Paper Tests Source: OG 1990
Difficulty: 700-750 Level Punctuation Source: GMAT Club Tests Source: Official Guide Source: OG 1988
Difficulty: 650-700 Level Subject Verb Agreement Source: GMAT Hacks Source: OG 2022 Source: Official Guide (Pre-2000)
Difficulty: 600-650 Level Subjunctive Source: Kaplan Source: OG 2021 Source: Verbal Review 2022
Difficulty: 500-600 Level Use of Being Source: Knewton Source: OG 2020 Source: Verbal Review 2021
Difficulty: Sub 500 Level Verb Tense/Form Source: Magoosh Source: OG 2019 Source: Verbal Review 2020
Adjectives and Adverbs Whole Sentence Underline Source: Manhattan GMAT Source: OG 2018 Source: Verbal Review 2019
Clauses Poor Quality Source: PowerScore Source: OG 2017 Source: Verbal Review 2018
Comparisons Source: 1000 Series Source: Princeton Review Source: OG 2016 Source: Verbal Review 2017
Conjunctions (FANBOYS) Source: Aristotle Source: Target Test Prep Source: OG 2015/OG13 Source: Verbal Review 2016
Grammatical/Rhetorical Construction Source: Competition Questions Source: Ukraine Marathon Source: OG 12 Source: Verbal Review 2015/2ND
Idioms/Diction/Redundancy Source: CrackVerbal Source: Veritas Prep Source: OG 11 Source: Verbal Review 1ST
Meaning/Logical Predication Source: e-GMAT Source: Executive Assessment (EA) Source: OG 10 Source: Other
Modifiers Source: Economist Source: GMAT Advanced Source: OG 9
Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)
AWA Evaluation Request AWA General Questions AWA Strategies AWA Resources
Data Insights (DI)
Difficulty: 700-Level Debatable OA Source: EA Source: GMAT Prep EP2 Source: Peterson's
Difficulty: 600-700 Level IR General Questions Source: e-GMAT Source: Kaplan Source: Princeton Review
Difficulty: Sub-600 Level IR Resources Source: GMAT Club Tests Source: Magoosh Source: Target Test Prep
Graph Interpretation IR Strategies Source: GMAT Pill Source: Manhattan GMAT Source: Veritas Prep
Multi-Source Reasoning Source: 800 Score Source: GMAT Prep Source: Manhattan Review Source: Other
Table Analysis Source: Bloomberg Exam Prep Source: GMAT Prep (Focus) Source: McGraw-Hill's
Two-Part Analysis Source: CrackVerbal Source: GMAT Prep EP1 Source: Official Guide
Graphs and Tables
Difficulty: 500-600 Level Math Related Source: GMAT Prep Source: MGMAT Source: Other
Difficulty: 600-700 Level Non-Math Related Source: GMAT Prep (Focus) Source: Official Guide
Difficulty: 700-Level Source: EA Source: Kaplan Source: Peterson's
Graphs Source: GMAT Club Tests Source: Magoosh Source: Princeton Review
Tables Source: GMAT Pill Source: McGraw-Hill Source: Veritas Prep
Two-part Analysis
Difficulty: 700-Level Non-Math Related Source: GMAT Prep Source: McGraw Hill Source: Princeton Review
Difficulty: 600-700 Level Source: EA Source: GMAT Prep (Focus) Source: MGMAT Source: Veritas Prep
Difficulty: 500-600 Level Source: GMAT Club Tests Source: Kaplan Source: Official Guide Source: Other
Math Related Source: GMAT Pill Source: Magoosh Source: Peterson's
Share GMAT Experience
Self Prep Only (no course) Manhattan GMAT course High Verbal Score Tips GMAT ONLINE Enhanced Debrief
e-GMAT course Target Test Prep course Retake Study Notes GMAT Test Center Debrief
Experts' Global Course 760+ Score Multiple Retakes GMAT Club Tests YouTube Debrief
Experts' Global Practice Tests 700 - 750 Score Best Debriefs Collection Motivating
GMAT Whiz course 650 - 690 Score General Strategies Perseverance
Kaplan course Sub 650 Score Quant Strategies Perfectionist
Magoosh course High Quant Score Verbal Strategies GMAT ONLINE Debrief
Admitted - Which BSchool to Choose?
* General Question ESSEC IMD McDonough (Georgetown) Sloan (MIT)
AIM Fisher Imperial Melbourne Smeal
AGSM Fordham ISB Mendoza (Notre Dame) Smith
Anderson Foster INSEAD Merage (Irvine) SMU (Singapore)
Babcock (Wake Foest) Freeman Iowa State Molson St. Gallen
Babson Fuqua (Duke) Ivey Moore Stanford
Booth Georgia Tech Johnson (Cornell) Naveen Jindal (Dallas) [SOLVED]
Boston U Goizueta (Emory) Jones (Rice) Neeley Stern (NYU)
Broad (Michigan State) Graziadio (Pepperdine) Judge Northeastern Tepper (CMU)
Carey (John Hopkins) Great Lakes Katz NTU Terry
Carlson (Minnesota) Guanhua Kelley (Indiana) NUS Thunderbird
Carroll (Boston College) GWU Kellogg (Northwestern) Olin Tippie
Cass Haas (Berkeley) Kenan-Flagler (UNC) Owen Tsinghua
Ceibs Harvard Kogod Queen's Tuck (Dartmouth)
Columbia HEC Montreal Krannert (Purdue) Quinaln Urbana-Champaign
Copenhagen HEC Paris LBS Rady WP Carey
Cox (SMU) HKUST Leeds Ross (Michigan) Warwick
Cranfield Hong Kong University Madison (Wisconsin) Rotman Weatherhead (Case Western)
CUHK Hough (Florida) Mannheim Rutgers Wharton (Pennsylvania)
Darden HULT Marriott (BYU) SP Jain Yale
Davis IE Marshall (USC) Said Ziklin (Baruch)
DeGroote IESE Mason Sauder
Desautels IIM Ahmedabad Mays Schulich
Erasmus (RSM) IIM Bangalore MBS (Manchester) SDA Bocconi
ESADE IIM Calcutta McCombs (Austin) Simon (Rochester)
MS Program Discussions
MFin MiM
My MBA Journey
School: Harvard School: ISB School: McDonough School: Mays Low GPA
School: Wharton School: Insead School: Kelley School: Owen Average GPA
School: Kellogg School: Stern School: Marshall School: Carlson High GPA
School: Booth School: Ross School: Goizueta School: Jones Admitted from Waitlist
School: Stanford School: Darden School: Olin School: Fisher Work Exp: 0-5 Years
School: Columbia School: Yale School: NUS Singapore School: Smith Work Exp: 6-10 Years
School: Fuqua School: LBS School: Rotman School: Mendoza Work Exp: 10+ Years
School: Sloan School: Johnson School: Foster School: Judge US Applicant
School: Anderson School: McCombs School: HEC Paris School: Cox SMU European Applicant
School: Haas School: Kenan-Flagler School: Oxford School: Simon Asian Applicant
School: Tuck School: Tepper School: IMD School: HKUST African Applicant
CAT India (Common Admissions Test)
Quantitative CAT Questions
Difficulty: Easy Clocks Logarithm Probability Time, Speed & Distance
Difficulty: Medium Coordinate Geometry Mensuration Progressions Trigonometry
Difficulty: Hard Equations Mixtures Ratio, Proportion & Variation
Averages Functions & Graphs Percentages & Applications Set Theory
Calendar Geometry Permutation & Combinations Time & Work
Verbal CAT Questions
Source: Official CAT Questions Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Hard

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